View Source Querying a Device

Once you have your devices connected, up and running in Astarte, you can start interacting with them.


Device status

First things first, you can check if your device is correctly registered in Astarte, and its current status. Let's assume our Device has f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA as its id. A Device's status includes a number of useful information, among which whether it is connected or not to its Transport, its introspection, the amount of exchanged data and more.


Query Device status using astartectl

$ astartectl appengine devices show f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA
Device ID:                      f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA
Connected:                      false
Last Connection:                2018-02-07 18:38:57.266 +0000 UTC
Last Disconnection:             2018-02-08 09:49:26.566 +0000 UTC
Introspection:                  com.example.ExampleInterface v1.0 exchanged messages: 20 exchanged bytes: 200B
                                org.example.TestInterface v0.2 exchanged messages: 8 exchanged bytes: 147B
Received Messages:              221
Data Received:                  11.7K
Last Seen IP:         
Last Credentials Request IP:
First Registration:             2018-01-31 17:10:59.270 +0000 UTC
First Credentials Request:      2018-01-31 17:10:59.270 +0000 UTC


Query Device status using Astarte Dashboard

After logging in to Astarte dashboard, go to the "Devices" page clicking on the menu on your left. A list of available Device IDs will appear. If you do not see your device at a glance, use the search bar on the top right to find it. Clicking on the Device ID will take you to its details page.


Query Device status using AppEngine API

GET api.<your astarte domain>/appengine/v1/test/devices/f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA

    "data": {
        "total_received_msgs": 221,
        "total_received_bytes": 11660,
        "last_seen_ip": "",
        "last_credentials_request_ip": "",
        "last_disconnection": "2018-02-07T18:38:57.266Z",
        "last_connection": "2018-02-08T09:49:26.556Z",
        "id": "f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA",
        "first_registration": "2018-01-31T17:10:59.270Z",
        "connected": true,
        "introspection": {
            "com.example.ExampleInterface" : {
                "major" : 1,
                "minor" : 0,
                "exchanged_msgs": 20,
                "exchanged_bytes": 200
            "org.example.TestInterface" : {
                "major" : 0,
                "minor" : 2,
                "exchanged_msgs": 8,
                "exchanged_bytes": 147
        "aliases": {
            "name": "device_a"
        "attributes": {
            "attributes_key": "attributes_value"
        "groups": [
        "previous_interfaces": [
                "name": "com.example.ExampleInterface",
                "major" : 0,
                "minor" : 2,
                "exchanged_msgs": 3,
                "exchanged_bytes": 120

Through the API, it is also possible to get the Introspection of the device only:

GET api.<your astarte domain>/appengine/v1/test/devices/f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA/interfaces

    "data": [

This returns the Interfaces which the device reported in its Introspection and which are known to the Realm.

Arbitrary information can be added to the device by means of attributes: they allow to store any number of string values associated to a corresponding string key. To set, modify and delete attributes, a PATCH on the device endpoint is required:

PATCH api.<your astarte domain>/appengine/v1/test/devices/f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA

In the request body, the data JSON object should have a attributes key which bears a dictionary of strings. A valid request body which changes only device attributes, for example, is {"data":{"attributes": {"<key>": "<value>"}}}. To delete an attribute entry, set the value of the corresponding key to null. For example, POSTing {"data":{"attributes": {"my_key": null}}} will remove the my_key attribute entry from the device.

Depending on the aggregation and ownership of the Interface, you can GET/PUT/POST on the interface itself or one of its mappings, or use astartectl to perform the same operation on the command line. Some examples are:


Get data from an aggregate device properties interface

astartectl invocation: astartectl appengine devices data-snapshot f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA com.example.ExampleInterface

AppEngine API invocation: GET api.<your astarte domain>/appengine/v1/test/devices/f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA/interfaces/com.example.ExampleInterface


Get last sent value from an individual device datastream interface

astartectl invocation: astartectl appengine devices data-snapshot f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA com.example.TestInterface

AppEngine API invocation: GET api.<your astarte domain>/appengine/v1/test/devices/f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA/interfaces/com.example.TestInterface/myValue?limit=1


Set values in an individual server datastream interface

astartectl invocation: astartectl appengine devices send-data f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA com.example.OtherTestInterface /myOtherValue <value>

AppEngine API invocation: POST api.<your astarte domain>/appengine/v1/test/devices/f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA/interfaces/com.example.OtherTestInterface/myOtherValue Request body: {"data": <value>}


API Query semantics

In general, to query AppEngine, the following things must be kept in mind

  • When sending data, use PUT if dealing with properties, POST if dealing with datastream.
  • When GETting, if you are querying an aggregate interface, make sure to query the interface itself rather than its mappings.
  • When GETting datastream, keep in mind that AppEngine's default behavior is to return a large as possible timeseries.

The Datastream case is significant, as it might be common to have a lot of values for each endpoint/interface. As such, returning all of them in a single API call is most of the times not desirable nor recommended.

To avoid putting the cluster under excessive pressure, AppEngine API is configured with a hard cap on the maximum number of returned results for each single call, with a sane default of 10000. Although this hard cap is entirely configurable, please be aware that AppEngine API is designed to process a lot of reasonably small requests in the shortest possible time, and hence is not optimised nor strongly tested against big requests. Make sure that AppEngine API has enough resources available to cope with the maximum dataset size.

AppEngine API provides you with a variety of mechanisms to make retrieval and navigation of large data sets as smooth and efficient as possible.



Adding a limit=n to the URL query tells AppEngine to return no more than n results. This acts similarly to a LIMIT SQL statement, but, as it stands, it does not impose a hard limit on the whole retrieved dataset but on the amount of the results displayed by the API call - see Pagination and Time Windows for more details on this topic and the performance implications of different limits in queries.

If the specified limit is beyond the hard cap, the query won't fail, but will return at most the amount set by the hard cap, without further warnings.


Since/To/Since After

Results can be limited to a specific time window. since and to can be set to a ISO 8601 valid timestamp to limit on an upper and lower bound the result set. This can also be combined with limit to make sure that no more than n results are returned. Also, since and to can as well be set independently to provide only an upper or lower bound.

In case you're dealing with a very large dataset and you want to dump it, it is likely that you need to go beyond what a reasonable default limit looks like. In those cases, you can use the since_after query parameter to retrieve parameters within a time window. since_after slices the time window just like since does, but it does not include values matching the specified timestamp, if any. This is especially useful when paginating, to start right after a returned result.


Pagination and time windows

AppEngine API provides you automatically with a time window-based pagination. When GETting a datastream, if more results are available beyond the chosen time window/limit, a links map will be provided, in JSON-API style, to allow the user to paginate the results accordingly using since_after.

You can use limit to determine each page's size. When specifying a valid limit, the links will keep the page size consistent over the next calls.

However, limit should be used wisely to lower the pressure on the cluster. Each API call maps to a query that, no matter how efficient, has a computational cost. A few mid-sized queries should always be preferred over a large amount of smaller queries. Given your cluster is configured correctly, limit should be omitted in most cases when paginating, and you should rather trust your cluster's hard cap to be the sweet spot in efficiency and cluster pressure.



Especially when plotting graphs, retrieving all points in a time series isn't desirable. Astarte provides you with an implementation of the LTTB Downsampling Algorithm, which is used to return only a fixed number of samples from a time series. When setting downsample_to=n, AppEngine will return a maximum of n results, which are the most significant over the considered time series according to the algorithm.

Due to how LTTB works, downsample_to must be >2, as the algorithm will return the two ends of the considered value bucket, and n-2 values which are the picked samples. Please refer to the LTTB implementation used by Astarte to learn more about how this algorithm affects samples and its limitations.

downsample_to=x can be used in conjunction with other query parameters, including limit=y. When doing so, Astarte will downsample to x samples the dataset composed of the last y values. Every feature previously outlined is in fact available with downsampling, including pagination - bear in mind, though, that for how the algorithm works, some options have drastically different semantic effects.

Also, the hard cap has a very different meaning in downsampling. In this case, the hard cap applies to downsample_to instead of limit. limit can be an arbitrarly large amount of samples taken out of the DB, and can be used mainly to alleviate pressure in case of extremely large datasets which would require a lot of time for being processed by LTTB - even though, most of the time, you might want to define a time window to downsample instead.

Astarte is also capable of downsampling aggregated interfaces, as long as a downsample_key is specified, which has to match the last token of an endpoint of the queried interface (i.e. in case the interface has a /%{id}/myValue mapping which should be used as the downsample_key, you should specify downsample_key=myValue in the query). When doing so, the aggregate will be downsampled using the chosen endpoint value as the y axis value, whereas its other endpoints will be disregarded when applying the algorithm. Please note that, no matter what downsample_key is used, a sample will be composed by the whole aggregation.

If there is no way an interface can be downsampled (this is true, for example, if no downsample_key has been specified for aggregations, or for types such as strings), AppEngine API will return a 4xx error. In general, downsampling is a powerful mechanism with a lot of limitations which really shines when plotting. Once again, this is a fundamental factor to consider when designing your interfaces.


Real-Time Updates

The http REST API returns a static result, therefore API clients should either poll the REST API when displaying real-time changes or use a WebSocket. WebSockets are called Astarte Channels in Astarte jargon, and they should be considered as a more efficient alternative to polling. When using Astarte Channels the REST API should be used to retrieve the initial status.


astartectl-specific features

astartectl implements some convenience methods that make navigation easier. In particular, astartectl allows for any of the AppEngine API query parameters/mechanisms, but also implements automated pagination, snapshots and more.


Data Snapshot

astartectl has a unique feature that allows to retrieve a "Data Snapshot" of a device, namely the last known value for every interface available in the Device's introspection. This is extremely useful to have an at-a-glance view of the Device status with regards to data. Simply invoke astartectl appengine devices data-snapshot <device ID>, or astartectl appengine devices data-snapshot <device ID> <interface name> to get a snapshot for a single interface.


Advanced querying

astartectl appengine devices get-samples is astartectl's frontend to advanced query. Refer to the command line documentation to learn about all available parameters, which match all of the parameters found in AppEngine API. The main difference is that, in case a query would break the boundaries of the page limit, astartectl will automatically paginate the request, and return all of the samples.


Exporting Devices Data with astartectl

The previous feature makes astartectl extremely useful when it comes to export or dump data. Moreover, get-samples features a --output option, which allows to print the results in different formats, such as json or CSV. This way, exporting values becomes extremely easy, as get-samples can easily tap into an Interface's entire data set and print it into a CSV file.


Deleting a Device

If you want to entirely remove a device from your realm along with its data, it is possible to do so with the device deletion API. Note that the Astarte API also allows for the unregistration and the inhibition of a specific device, which should be enough in most use cases and do not cause any data loss.

[!IMPORTANT] Once the deletion of a device is started, all data related to the device will be lost.


Device deletion using Realm Management API

Let's assume our Device has f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA as its id. To delete it, use the following API. The deletion operation is asynchronous and can take up to 15 minutes. During the process, you device status will appear as "In deletion".

DELETE api.<your astarte domain>/realmmanagement/v1/test/devices/f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAA