Astarte.Flow.Blocks.LuaMapper (astarte_flow v0.1.0)

This is a map block that takes an incoming Message and it transforms it using given Lua script. This block supports Lua 5.3 scripts. The incoming message will be provided to the script as message

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Executes the Lua script and returns the new message created using the script.

Starts the LuaMapper.

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lua_map(msg, config)

@spec lua_map(Astarte.Flow.Message.t(), Astarte.Flow.Blocks.LuaMapper.Config.t()) ::
  {:ok, Astarte.Flow.Message.t()} | {:error, reason :: term()}

Executes the Lua script and returns the new message created using the script.

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@spec start_link([Astarte.Flow.Blocks.LuaMapper.Config.option()]) ::

Starts the LuaMapper.



  • :script - a Lua 5.3 script. Defaults to "return message;".