Astarte.Flow.Blocks.JsonMapper (astarte_flow v0.1.0)

This is a map block that takes data from incoming Message and makes a Message having a JSON serialized payload. The subtype of the message is set to "application/json" and the type is :binary.

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Starts the JsonMapper.

Makes a new Message with JSON serialzed data, :binary type and "application/json" subtype.

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@spec start_link([Astarte.Flow.Blocks.JsonMapper.Config.option()]) ::

Starts the JsonMapper.



  • :pretty - serialize the output to pretty format that is easier to read for humans.
  • :template - a JSONTemplate applied right before serialization.
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to_json(msg, config)

@spec to_json(Astarte.Flow.Message.t(), Astarte.Flow.Blocks.JsonMapper.Config.t()) ::
  {:ok, Astarte.Flow.Message.t()} | {:error, any()}

Makes a new Message with JSON serialzed data, :binary type and "application/json" subtype.