Astarte.Flow.Auth.Guardian (astarte_flow v0.1.0)

Link to this section Summary


Callback implementation for Guardian.build_claims/3.

Fetches the configuration for this module

Returns a resolved value of the configuration found at a key.

Decodes and verifies a token using the configuration on the implementation module.

The default type of token for this module

Exchanges a token of one type for another.

Provides the content of the token but without verification of either the claims or the signature.

Fetch the resource and claims directly from a token

Revoke a token.

If Guardian.Plug.SlidingCookie is used, this callback will be invoked to return the new claims, or an error (which will mean the cookie will not be refreshed).

Link to this section Functions

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after_encode_and_sign(r, claims, token, _)

Callback implementation for Guardian.after_encode_and_sign/4.

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after_sign_in(conn, r, t, c, o)

Callback implementation for Guardian.after_sign_in/5.

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before_sign_out(conn, location, opts)

Callback implementation for Guardian.before_sign_out/3.

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build_claims(c, _, _)

Callback implementation for Guardian.build_claims/3.

@spec config() :: Keyword.t()

Fetches the configuration for this module

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config(key, default \\ nil)

@spec config(atom() | String.t(), any()) :: any()

Returns a resolved value of the configuration found at a key.

See Guardian.Config.resolve_value/1.

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decode_and_verify(token, claims_to_check \\ %{}, opts \\ [])

@spec decode_and_verify(
) :: {:ok,} | {:error, any()}

Decodes and verifies a token using the configuration on the implementation module.

See Guardian.decode_and_verify/4

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@spec default_token_type() :: String.t()

The default type of token for this module

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encode_and_sign(resource, claims \\ %{}, opts \\ [])

@spec encode_and_sign(any(),, Guardian.options()) ::
  {:ok, Guardian.Token.token(),} | {:error, any()}

Encodes the claims. See Guardian.encode_and_sign/4 for more information

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exchange(token, from_type, to_type, opts \\ [])

@spec exchange(
  token :: Guardian.Token.token(),
  from_type :: String.t() | [String.t(), ...],
  to_type :: String.t(),
  options :: Guardian.options()
) ::
  {:ok, {Guardian.Token.token(),},
  | {:error, any()}

Exchanges a token of one type for another.

See for more information

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on_exchange(old_stuff, new_stuff, options)

Callback implementation for Guardian.on_exchange/3.

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on_refresh(old_stuff, new_stuff, options)

Callback implementation for Guardian.on_refresh/3.

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on_revoke(claims, token, options)

Callback implementation for Guardian.on_revoke/3.

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on_verify(claims, token, options)

Callback implementation for Guardian.on_verify/3.

@spec peek(String.t()) :: map()

Provides the content of the token but without verification of either the claims or the signature.

Claims will be present at the :claims key.

See Guardian.peek/2 for more information

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refresh(old_token, opts \\ [])

Refresh a token.

See Guardian.refresh for more information

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@spec resource_from_claims(claims :: %{optional(String.t()) => term()}) ::
  {:ok, Astarte.Flow.Auth.User.t()}

Callback implementation for Guardian.resource_from_claims/1.

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resource_from_token(token, claims_to_check \\ %{}, opts \\ [])

@spec resource_from_token(
  token :: Guardian.Token.token(),
  claims_to_check :: | nil,
  opts :: Guardian.options()
) :: {:ok, Guardian.Token.resource(),} | {:error, any()}

Fetch the resource and claims directly from a token

See Guardian.resource_from_token for more information

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revoke(token, opts \\ [])

@spec revoke(Guardian.Token.token(), Guardian.options()) ::
  {:ok,} | {:error, any()}

Revoke a token.

See Guardian.revoke for more information

Link to this function

sliding_cookie(current_claims, current_resource, opts \\ [])

@spec sliding_cookie(
  current_claims ::,
  current_resource :: Guardian.Token.resource(),
  options :: Guardian.options()
) :: {:ok, new_claims ::} | {:error, any()}

If Guardian.Plug.SlidingCookie is used, this callback will be invoked to return the new claims, or an error (which will mean the cookie will not be refreshed).

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subject_for_token(user, claims)

@spec subject_for_token(Astarte.Flow.Auth.User.t(), claims :: term()) ::
  {:ok, id :: String.t()}

Callback implementation for Guardian.subject_for_token/2.

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verify_claims(claims, options)

Callback implementation for Guardian.verify_claims/2.