Astarte Device SDK return codes.
Astarte Device SDK return codes. ASTARTE_RESULT_OK is always returned when no errors occurred.
Enumerator |
ASTARTE_RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR | A generic error occurred.
This is usually an internal error in the SDK.
ASTARTE_RESULT_OUT_OF_MEMORY | The operation caused an out of memory error.
ASTARTE_RESULT_INVALID_CONFIGURATION | Invalid configuration for the required operation.
ASTARTE_RESULT_INVALID_PARAM | A function has been called with incorrect parameters.
ASTARTE_RESULT_SOCKET_ERROR | Error during TCP socket creation.
ASTARTE_RESULT_HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR | An HTTP request could not be processed.
ASTARTE_RESULT_JSON_ERROR | Attempting to parse/encode a malformed JSON document.
ASTARTE_RESULT_MBEDTLS_ERROR | Internal error from the MBEDTLS library.
ASTARTE_RESULT_NOT_FOUND | The resource was not found.
ASTARTE_RESULT_INTERFACE_ALREADY_PRESENT | Interface is already present in the introspection.
ASTARTE_RESULT_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND | Interface not found in the introspection.
ASTARTE_RESULT_INTERFACE_INVALID_VERSION | Trying to add an interface with both major an minor set to 0.
ASTARTE_RESULT_INTERFACE_CONFLICTING | Trying to add an interface that conflicts with the previous one.
ASTARTE_RESULT_TLS_ERROR | Error from the TLS credential zephyr module.
ASTARTE_RESULT_MQTT_ERROR | Internal error from the MQTT library.
ASTARTE_RESULT_TIMEOUT | Operation timed out.
ASTARTE_RESULT_BSON_DESERIALIZER_TYPES_ERROR | A BSON document with elements of incompatible type has been received.
ASTARTE_RESULT_BSON_EMPTY_ARRAY_ERROR | A BSON array with elements of different type has been received.
ASTARTE_RESULT_BSON_EMPTY_DOCUMENT_ERROR | An empty BSON document has been received.
ASTARTE_RESULT_CLIENT_CERT_INVALID | Astarte marked the device client certificate as invalid.
ASTARTE_RESULT_MAPPING_PATH_MISMATCH | The provided path does not match the mapping endpoint.
ASTARTE_RESULT_MAPPING_INDIVIDUAL_INCOMPATIBLE | The provided Astarte individual is not compatible with a mapping.
ASTARTE_RESULT_MAPPING_NOT_IN_INTERFACE | Could not find the mapping corresponding to a path in an interface.
ASTARTE_RESULT_MAPPING_UNSET_NOT_ALLOWED | The specified mapping does not support properties unsetting.
ASTARTE_RESULT_MAPPING_EXPLICIT_TIMESTAMP_REQUIRED | The specified mapping requires an explicit timestamp.
ASTARTE_RESULT_MAPPING_EXPLICIT_TIMESTAMP_NOT_SUPPORTED | The specified mapping does not support an explicit timestamp.
ASTARTE_RESULT_MQTT_CLIENT_NOT_READY | Calling an MQTT API while the client is not ready.
ASTARTE_RESULT_MQTT_CLIENT_ALREADY_CONNECTED | Attempting to connect an MQTT client already connected.
ASTARTE_RESULT_MQTT_CLIENT_ALREADY_CONNECTING | Attempting to connect an MQTT client already connecting.
ASTARTE_RESULT_DEVICE_NOT_READY | Calling a device API while the device is not ready.
ASTARTE_RESULT_INCOMPLETE_AGGREGATION_OBJECT | A partial aggregated object has been found.
ASTARTE_RESULT_NVS_ERROR | Error while reading/writing an NVS entry.
ASTARTE_RESULT_KV_STORAGE_FULL | Astarte key-value storage is full.
ASTARTE_RESULT_DEVICE_CACHING_OUTDATED_INTROSPECTION | An outdated introspection has been found in cache.