Astarte Device SDK ESP32
ESP32 device SDK for the Astarte platform
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 astarte.hAstarte types and defines
 astarte_bson.hAstarte BSON deserialization functions
 astarte_bson_deserializer.hAstarte BSON deserialization functions
 astarte_bson_serializer.hAstarte BSON serializer functions
 astarte_bson_types.hAstarte BSON types definitions
 astarte_credentials.hAstarte credentials functions
 astarte_device.hAstarte device SDK high level API
 astarte_hwid.hAstarte hardware ID functions
 astarte_interface.hAstarte interface functions
 astarte_pairing.hAstarte pairing functions