View Source Manual Operator Installation

In case you do not want to use helm to manage the Operator, this guide will run you through all the steps needed to set up Astarte Kubernetes.

To come along with this guide, the following components are required:

Please make sure that the version of operator-sdk matches the version used by the Astarte Operator (the detail can be found within the project's CHANGELOG).

Moreover, please make sure that the cluster kubectl is pointing to is the one you want to target with the installation.

Note: Please be aware that this method is to be used only if you have very specific reasons why not to use helm, for example: you're running a fork of the Operator, you're running the Operator outside of the cluster, or you're on the very bleeding edge. helm automates internally all of this guide and should be your main choice in production.


Clone the Operator Repository

First of all, you will need to clone the Operator repository, as this is where some of the needed resources for the Operator are. Ensure you're cloning the right branch for the Operator Version you'd like to install, in this case release-1.0:

git clone
cd astarte-kubernetes-operator


Install RBACs and CRDs

The Operator requires a number of RBAC roles to run, and will also require Astarte CRDs to be installed.

To install all the required components, simply run:

make install


Running the Operator inside the Cluster

Running the Operator inside the cluster is as simple as executing the following:

make deploy

Actually, the above command does more than just deploying the Operator, as it also install RBACs, CRDs. The deployment therefore can be performed in just one command.

To check if the deployment is successful:

kubectl get deployment -n astarte-operator astarte-operator


Running the Operator outside the Cluster

Note: Running the operator outside the cluster is not advised in production. Usually, you need such a deployment if you plan on developing the Operator itself. However, this scenario is tested in the e2e tests, and as such provides the very same features of the in-cluster Deployment, which remains the go-to scenario for production.

From the root directory of your clone, run:

make run ENABLE_WEBHOOKS=false

This will bring up the Operator (with all the webhooks disabled) and connect it to your current Kubernetes context.

Please, refer to the OperatorSDK documentation to have further insights on this scenario.